Hi. My name is Daniela Anderson. After repeated nudging from my friends, I have entered the 21st century and decided it was time to create a blog. I plan on using this blog to talk about my various interests and businesses: breeding and showing Shelties (Adiron Shetland Sheepdogs) and Angora bunnies (OakGrove Angora Rabbitry), fiber and art related passions including Hand Spinning, Knitting, Temari, Kumihimo, Dyeing, Stained Glass, Mosaics, Quilting, Cake Decorating and whatever other project I have going at the moment, Organic Garde
ning, Tennis, and Book Collecting (thanks to Ebay, this passion is now much easier to indulge, much to my hubby's dismay!).

My husband's main hobby (besides golf and skiing) is running a Ford Mustang in the SCCA Club Racing American Sedan class. We currently are in the middle of the MARRS season - Mid-Atlantic Road Racing Series. We belong to the Washington DC Area SCCA
, where Ken is the drivers' rep for Big Bore and I am the trophy chairman for club racing events and design the dash plaques for the MARRS series. I hope to use this blog to keep Ken's racing/hobby news updated as well!
I hold a B.A. in Fine Arts from Dickinson College, but always have been passionate about animals, so in the past I have been a professional riding instructor and coach, sport horse breeding farm manager, dog obedience instructor and dog show handler, and currently own a grooming shop called the Dapper Dog Grooming Salon. I have been a professional groomer for over 10 years and LOVE it! I have been fortunate enough to apprentice under top breeders and handlers over the years and work in top-ranked salons, and finally opened my own shop after the birth of my son almost three years ago. I love the fact that I can be a stay-at-home mother and run a business at the same time.
My other business is called Fetching Fashions. I do custom appliqued silhouettes of show quality dog breeds on garments, travel luggage, etc. This started out as a lark about 9 years ago when I designed some nice garments for some of my sheltie friends to wear to a show - I now have seamstresses working for me helping me create and produce high-end, quality items that I have been pleased to see go out by the hundreds every year! I have taken a break from vendoring at shows this year to focus on some new lines, but I PROMISE not to leave my clients hanging in 2006! I plan on vendoring at a few Nationals in 2006 - I hope to post a schedule as I finalize plans for next year.
As you can see, we keep busy in the Anderson household. I will post as often as my schedule allows! Thanks for checking in!
Woof Woof!