Well, I never thought it would take this long to post again to my blog, but boy have things been busy…
Two tons of tree fell 2 weeks ago in our

Ken and I celeb

After we finished up

When we got back, Susan Withnell of Storybook Dreams German Angoras came over. I got to demonstrate the high velocity blower from the grooming shop and how I use it to blow out the bunnies’ coats. The bunnies were not impressed! I also showed them both my “dirty little secret” that has remained hidden in my Sewing/ Knitting room until I can get over the feelings of guilt that I am cheating on my handknitting - - my newly purchased Brother 260 Bulky Knitting Machine/ Ribber combo with all the doodads and accessories! I adore to knit by hand, but I have soooo many friends having babies these days that there is no way that I could possibly ever get any gifts made for all of them before they graduate from college. So…I checked out the machines and decided that since I quilt by machine, which is just a faster way to make the quilting stitch, the knitting machine falls under the same category. You still need to design, choose yarns, etc. After I made my first baby sweater with my own handspun in about 1 hour, I have to say that I was hooked. Of course, the sad sock I had attempted to make was a really sorry site, and I thought both Chris and Susan were going to lose it as they tried to figure out which end was the heel and which was the toe!
Susan had a ball with the metal tensioning antenna, even yelling out “ I think I found water” as she used the antenna as a divining stick! I think her space alien impression was pretty good too. I have to admit, when the whole thing is set up, it looks like a space ship console and can be intimidating! I then tried to show off the little bit I have managed to figure out so far, but instead I think I convinced them both to run, far, far away from that apparatus, shut the door, and never look back! It was a hoot. Again, the bunnies, who were looking on from their crates, were not impressed…
After the frightening experience with the knitting machine, we were hungry, so pizza on the deck was in order, and the rest of the evening was an enjoyable evening outdoors with family and friends.
Chris had to leave by mid-morning on Sunday to get back to CT in a timely manner, but not before Ken let her into the racecar trailer to take a look at his “baby.” The end result? Chris and her husband are journeying back here in October to attend Ken’s last race of the MARRS season at Summit Point. YeeHaa – two new converts!
So that sums up the last few weeks. Not much fibering going on except a few Christmas presents that I can’t mention here!
Looks like a great weekend! Wish I could have been there!
Ahhh, the antics in which we fiber folk indulge! It was great fun!
Daniella, how nice to "see" you again! Happy anniversary, dear.
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