From neck to "tail" (#1).
Around neck - at midway up the neck (#2).
Chest between front legs (#3).
From neck to underarm (#4).
Chest - around the widest part of the chest (#5).

A journal about my hobbies and businesses and anything else that strikes my fancy!
Hi there! Here is the press release from Elioak Farms for the Farm Days Celebration being held in the Fall of 2005. I am doing the Sunday, Sept. 18th, spinning demos and would love other spinners to come out and have some fun! This is aimed at kids - I am planning on having some toy wheel drop spindles for them to try out as well as the wheel. If you know of anyone in the area who you think might be interested or could pass this Press Release along, that would be great! The Farm is located just outside Baltimore, MD.
Clark’s Elioak Farm
Fall 2005
Also open on Monday, Sept 5
(Labor day)
Seven days a week
10 AM to 4 PM
10500 Route 108
Ellicott City, Maryland
Attractions include the petting farm, hayrides, pony rides, hay bale maze, picnic area, country store,
Enchanted Forest figures, mini-farm play area, Fall decorations, pumpkins, and birthday parties.
SEPTEMBER 3-5, 2005 LABOR DAY WEEKEND CELEBRATION! What better place to celebrate labor than a working farm! Visit our museum and see the different types of work farmers and their animals do on the farm. Goats, sheep, cows, chicken, donkeys, ponies and horses all work on the farm. Can you guess what they do? On Saturday THE HOWARD COUNTY ANTIQUE FARM MACHINERY CLUB will have hands-on exhibits and machinery. Come learn about farming in a by-gone era.
SEPTEMBER 10-11, 2005 GRANDPARENTS WEEKEND. Free hayrides for all grandparents accompanied by a child. Don’t forget to take a pony ride, too.
SEPTEMBER 17-18, 2005 SPINNERS WEEKEND! Talented spinners will show us fibers from raw to finished, different types and qualities of wool and do spinning demonstrations. LESLIE SELBY from Cedar Wool Farm will be on hand on Saturday and DANIELA ANDERSON will delight us on Sunday. Other spinners will join them as well. Kids of all ages will get a hands-on opportunity to experience the art of spinning. Demonstrations throughout both days.
SEPTEMBER 24-25, 2005 FALL HARVEST AND COWBOY ROPING WEEKEND. Celebrate the harvest with apple cider, apple butter, pumpkin butter and pumpkin bread. It doesn’t get better than that!! Also, enjoy a cowboy trick roping demonstration by GLEN HOPKINS at 1 PM both days. NOUVEAU FACE PAINTER LAURA RENEE DAVIS will delight you with incredibly beautiful designs for your face and hands (10 AM to 4 PM both days). A work of art!!
OCTOBER 1-2, 2005 FARM-CITY CELEBRATION WEEKEND! MASTER FALCONER MIKE DUPUY will do a Hawk Talk and Falconry Demonstration at 1 PM on Sunday. Learn about incredible birds of prey and the 4,000 year-old art of falconry. Sunday is our PUMPKIN GROWING CONTEST WEIGH-IN!! It’s time to see how big your pumpkins grew over the summer. Bring your biggest pumpkin to the farm for weigh-in and display. The winner will be announced on Sunday at 4 PM and will receive a special prize and a season pass to the farm for 2006. Full contest rules available on our website. Facepainting by LAURA RENEE DAVIS.
OCTOBER 8-9, 2005 TEDDY BEAR FARM VISIT. Bring your bears! Free hayrides for all children who bring a teddy bear. Teddy bear contest (1 and 2:30 PM) both days. Folk singer TONY McGUFFIN (Noon-4 PM) both days. Scarecrow making available. Visit the pumpkin patch! Take home some cider. Facepainting by LAURA RENEE DAVIS (10 AM to 4 PM) We can paint a picture of your teddy bear on your face or hand.
OCTOBER 15-16, 2005 THE SOUNDS OF THE SEASON. Choral director, Jim Carothers, brings his students from CATONSVILLE SCHOOL to sing for us at 10 AM and 11 AM on Saturday. Visit the pumpkin patch, build a scarecrow. Facepainting by LAURA RENEE DAVIS.
OCTOBER 22-23, 2005 PUMPKINS, PUMPKINS, PUMPKINS! Come to the pumpkin patch to get your Halloween pumpkins. Take a hayride, take a pony ride, get your face painted by LAURA RENEE DAVIS and make a scarecrow. A great Fall outing for the family.
OCTOBER 29-31, 2005: HALLOWEEN WEEKEND. Costume Contest (11:00 AM and 2:00 PM) Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Prizes for all. Scarecrow making and facepainting by LAURA RENEE DAVIS too. Cider and pumpkins at our country store. Take a hayride to the pumpkin patch!!
NOVEMBER 5-6, 2005: PUMPKIN CHUCKING WEEKEND. In the spirit of the season, let’s have some special fun with pumpkins!! We have a specially-designed catapult that will launch your pumpkin across the farm. Bring your own pumpkin or purchase one of ours and let’s see how far it will go!
My husband's main hobby (besides golf and skiing) is running a Ford Mustang in the SCCA Club Racing American Sedan class. We currently are in the middle of the MARRS season - Mid-Atlantic Road Racing Series. We belong to the Washington DC Area SCCA
I hold a B.A. in Fine Arts from Dickinson College, but always have been passionate about animals, so in the past I have been a professional riding instructor and coach, sport horse breeding farm manager, dog obedience instructor and dog show handler, and currently own a grooming shop called the Dapper Dog Grooming Salon. I have been a professional groomer for over 10 years and LOVE it! I have been fortunate enough to apprentice under top breeders and handlers over the years and work in top-ranked salons, and finally opened my own shop after the birth of my son almost three years ago. I love the fact that I can be a stay-at-home mother and run a business at the same time.
My other business is called Fetching Fashions. I do custom appliqued silhouettes of show quality dog breeds on garments, travel luggage, etc. This started out as a lark about 9 years ago when I designed some nice garments for some of my sheltie friends to wear to a show - I now have seamstresses working for me helping me create and produce high-end, quality items that I have been pleased to see go out by the hundreds every year! I have taken a break from vendoring at shows this year to focus on some new lines, but I PROMISE not to leave my clients hanging in 2006! I plan on vendoring at a few Nationals in 2006 - I hope to post a schedule as I finalize plans for next year.
As you can see, we keep busy in the Anderson household. I will post as often as my schedule allows! Thanks for checking in!
Woof Woof!